Tuesday 15 February 2011


Illogic Animatic

Our Animatic is a collection of still images captured by a camera which were put in order from our storyboard to give us an idea of timing and if the shots we were using actually fitted together before we make our trailer.  For the completion of our Animatic we went out ten times to shoot the images we needed were at eight different locations.  The props we used consisted of an old rusty key, a clock, rope, a ribbon, a phone, a car and a load of photos.  Our main actor was within our group, and we chose her because we knew she would be reliable which may have not of been the case if we had chosen someone else outside the group.  There was one shot that we were unable to do which was of a point of view shot from the main character looking at two monitors with one of them showing her mother and the other showing her boyfriend.  We were unable to do this shot as weren’t sure how were going to get this footage onto the two monitors. We made one change which was to put a flashback image of the main actor getting good grades from the end to near the beginning after the title which showed her having a really good life.  The construction of our Animatic in the editing process was to put the shots in the order we wanted them in and we put the music in to go with the shots.  We then would adjust the shot length or music length to make it all fit together. The first title “A Girl who had everything” was chosen because we want the audience to know that this person had a great life.  She had a nice car, had good grades and was very popular in school.  This makes the situation she is in more tragic.  The next title “Trapped in a room” shows that despite all her riches she is vulnerable and has been put somewhere in which she can’t get out.  The next title “Challenged by the logic” is related to the title but it also signifies the challenges and puzzles she has to work out.  The next title “with a limited amount of time” was used to show that Nicole has a very limited amount of time to escape this place.  The titles “to win” “her” “freedom” are shown very quickly which signifies that she is in rush to get out and if she doesn’t she will be trapped forever.  The music we used makes you feel sorry and makes you have sympathy with this girl. It is slow and dark music we signifies that there is someone in the film.  Things we will improve on when we come to the making of our trailer are to make the titles shorter, and to make the music fit with what is going on a bit more.

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