Friday 26 November 2010

My Film Plot Synopsis

My Film Plot Synopsis
By Sean Lee
Film title - Asylum
Genre - Psychological Thriller
Characters - Four male and two female college students 
Michael Carter
Edward Jones
Natalie Spencer
Thomas Spencer
Amy  Blake
Liam Rivers
Setting  - Run down, derelict and supposedly haunted mental asylum in South Wales
Narrative  - Six college students  have just finished the year and want to do something  to celebrate their good results.  They want to do something different and decide to spend a night in an old mental asylum that was closed down due to the ways the staff treated the patients often killing them for the sake of it.  When the students arrive they find each find a cell which they will stay in.  They then split up into two groups of three and go off to explore the asylum.  When one group inadvertently come across an office in which they discover tapes of which reveal how the doctors would make the patients suffer as much as possible when killing them.  The other group while exploring find old records of patients in the asylum and discover that they all had family who were in the asylum .  They also find out that these relatives all escaped and alerted the authorities to what was going on which resulted in the asylum being closed down and the doctors being arrested.  The first group are then attacked by an unseen entity and as they escape are split up.  One of them is left behind where they are killed in a way the doctors used to kill the patients.  The other two are also attacked and killed by multiple unseen entities and are both killed.  The other group go back to their cells and when they realise the other group have not returned they think that they got too scared and left.  One of the students isn’t sure of this and goes off to investigate in which he inadvertently stumbles across a secret room where it is discovered that the doctors may have died physically but not mentally.  In a flashback we find out that doctors who were arrested all made a pact with the devil in which there souls will be his in return for them getting revenge on the heirs of the patients who escaped.  In realising this the student runs back to warn his mates where he is then suddenly attacked but manages to escape and get back to the others and warns them of the danger that they are in.  Just after this, the cell door suddenly slams shut to which one of the students then kills the others.  In another flashback we see that all students had family who had been in the asylum but not all were patients, one was a doctor and he has also set out on a quest for revenge.  The film ends with the one surviving student leaving the asylum with an evil smile setting off to kill the other relatives of the other students.

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